RARE: The Association for Rare Earth
Peter Mirijanian Public Affairs, 202-464-8803, or
6, 2011
Energy, Environment and National
Security Leaders Launch
Rare Earths Trade Association
Association for Rare Earth, Will Advocate Before Congress and the International
Community for Rare Earth Mineral Supply Availability and Stability
– RARE, The Association for Rare Earth was officially launched today by a
bipartisan group of senior leaders from the energy, environment and national
security fields. The Executive Leadership and Board of Advisors of RARE are
teamed up to tackle one of the world’s most critical emerging issues: ensuring
a stable supply of rare earth minerals for use in the production of clean
energy technologies, advanced medical technologies, high-tech electronics and
advanced security products.
Falkoff has been tapped to head
the organization as its President and CEO. Mr. Falkoff has over 15 years
experience in government affairs, international relations, and business. Joining Mr. Falkoff is a seasoned and
highly respected Board of Advisors including Roger Ballentine, former Chairman of the White House Climate Change
Task Force and former Deputy Assistant to President Clinton for Environmental
Initiatives; Ambassador Stuart Holliday,
President of Meridian House International and former Ambassador to the United
Nations for Special Political Affairs; John
L. Howard, former United States Federal Environmental Executive; Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, US Navy (Ret.) , former NOAA Administrator; The Honorable Thomas McMillen,
Chairman of the National Foundation on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition and former
United States Congressman ; John Paul
Woodley, former Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environment
and former Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (Army Corps of
RARE’s President Adam Falkoff said, “I am pleased
to be working with such an accomplished group of people tackling an issue of
this importance to the future of American business, national security, and
quality of life.”
Rare earth minerals are crucial for the production
of flat panel televisions, smart phones, computing tablets, wind turbines,
solar panels, MRIs and PET scanners, guided missiles, and much more. China
controls 95% of the world’s production of rare earth minerals and is tightening
its control on these vital resources.
RARE: The Association for Rare Earth. RARE is a bipartisan organization that seeks to increase the production
of rare earth elements; remove barriers to access of rare earth elements
domestically and internationally; increase the affordability and trade of rare
earth minerals; and increase the affordability and availability of
technologically and environmentally advanced products made with rare earth
minerals -- all for the betterment of people’s lives and the environment in
which they live.