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RARE is the premier international advocate and opinion leader for rare earth industry suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers dedicated to improving the future through rare earth innovation.

RARE Media Press



Members of the press with media inquiries about RARE, please contact Peter Mirijanian:

Peter Mirijanian

John Howard Peter Mirijanian
– Peter Mirijanian brings decades of national press experience to each project under his direction. A corporate communications specialist, political media consultant, and crisis communications expert, Mr. Mirijanian is a frequent commentator in national outlets from NBC's Today Show, MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, and the FOX News Channel to The Washington Post, New York Times and Wall Street Journal. Mr. Mirijanian’s clients include NGO’s, think tanks, law firms, major corporations, presidential campaigns, political leaders, and artists.


NEWS RELEASE - RARE to Congress: Mining Law Revisions May Not Improve Domestic Critical Mineral Production

Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Importance of Increased Mining and Mineral Production for Job Creation, Economic Growth

NEWS RELEASE - RARE Praises Bipartisan Effort to Pass Critical Mineral Legislation in the US

NEWS RELEASE - RARE praises passage of the National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2012

NEWS RELEASE - RARE Urges Passage of H.R. 4402

NEWS RELEASE - RARE Praises H.R. 4402 Sponsor, Congressman Mark Amodei

POLITICO: John Kerry’s secretary of state dry run

RARE Joins The American Sovereignty Campaign

Coalition Letter in Support of the "Law of the Sea Treaty"

The rare earth rush

Letter to President Obama from the Rare Earth Caucus

Rep. Johnson to co-chair Rare Earth Caucus

Coffman unveils new House caucus

NEWS RELEASE - RARE Praises Formation of Congressional Rare Earth Caucus

RARE Request Prompts Plan to Form Congressional Rare Earth Caucus

New trade group starts lobbying push

New U.S. based REE Association wants Senate and House Caucuses set up

Formation of Senate and House rare Earth minerals caucuses urged

I'll Take My Quotas Medium-Rare, with Some Chinese Cerium on the Side

Drawing a Line in the Ground: Association Urges America to Secure Its Rare Earth Supplies

NEWS RELEASE - RARE Calls for Creation of US Congressional Rare Earths Caucus

NEWS RELEASE - RARE Support for Pentagon Report to Congress

Greenwire Article Announcing RARE

NEWS RELEASE - RARE Launch Release


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